Happy Homemaker Monday - September 7, 2015

The weather outside is:::: HOT AND HUMID.  Yuck.

On the breakfast plate this morning:::: I didn't eat breakfast. 

As I look outside my window::: My little white Cat.  She has found a love of nature and no longer wants to step foot into the house.  *sigh*

Right now I am:::: Relaxing.  It's been a long five days! 

As I look around the house:::: I didn't have the time to finish everything I Needed to today so I know I will have a "off" week. 

TO DO::::

  1. I need to do at least one more load of clothes  
It's 8 pm so I'm not doing anything else! 

Currently reading::::  Chanel Bonfire   It's a bookclub read. 

On the TV today:::: Re-binge-watching "Jericho".  Also watching "The 4400" Still watching my You Tube Videos.  I'm a little addicted :/ 

On the menu this week:::: 

Monday:  Grilled chicken and veggies with potatoes and salad 
Tuesday:  Tacos with cucumber salad 
Wednsday: Sushi?  OUT.  Not sure.  
Thursday: Grilled chicken with Brussels sprouts and carrots, red potatoes
FridayTilapia with brown rice and veggies 
Saturday: Mom's house for dinner 
Sunday: Not sure yet - some kind of chicken and cheesy cauliflower casserole 

Breakfasts: Eggs, turkey sausage and red potatoes
Lunches:  Ground turkey with brown basmati rice and feta, fruit 

Favorite blog posts, video or pins from this week:::

Favorite YouTube channel of the week: Paper & Glam 

Favorite picture of the Week: 

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::


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