Sermon Sunday
Happy Sunday! Just a few quick things I'd like to share from the sermon that I heard today!
- The world tells you that everything you do, everything you think, everything that you are is a-ok. You are perfect. Nothing you do is a mistake. Even if you lose, you still win.
- The BIBLE says we are born into sin. We are not perfect. WE need to strive to change and be as much like Jesus as we can.
- Creating good habits is a great way to become more like Christ. a. Wake up earlier to spend time in the Word
- b. Pray every morning and ask God to use you for His will at the beginning of each day.
- c. Give or save $5 a week to build a good habit of giving/saving
- d. Trade an hour in the evening of scrolling through social media to listen to a Christian podcast or YouTube video.
Make small changes and they WILL add up.
Pastor J recommended two resources:
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear (that I just happened to be reading!)
Listening to Jordan Peterson
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