Happy Homemaker Monday


Please join Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday HERE 
Last Week and Life News:::
I hope that those of you in the United States had a fantastic Thanksgiving!  I woke up with a terrible migraine, but thank you Jesus, I was able to get through it and by the time we got to my Dad's to cook, it was nearly gone!  But unfortunately, my Dad's knee went out so he had to spend most of the day in the basement (his man cave!).  My son came over to watch the Lion's game with him while we cooked, and my Dad was able to make it up the stairs to have dinner at the table with us.  It was really a blessed day and I'm so grateful. 

The Weather:::
 Monday -  35 and cloudy
Tuesday - 32 and partly sunny
Wednesday - 36 and partly sunny
Thursday - 41 and partly sunny
Friday -  42 and rain
Saturday - 45 and rain
Sunday - 46 and rain

As I look outside my window:::

It is a dreary day in Detroit. Pretty chilly in the house.  I have a space heater for the kitties! 

Right now I am:::
The plan was to put up the Christmas tree today - but my son opened the door to the attic and there is a dead animal right inside!  It's either a very large squirrel or a cat.  Now my mood is turned upside down from the positivity I was feeling earlier this morning.  Until I can get my landlord to check out the attic, we can't get our Christmas things.  And even after that, I'm worried of what we will find in our beautiful tree box.  So, I ordered a tiny pre-lit tree for this year.  And I'm sad about it, but the tree is not the reason for the season.  I got a pack of 44 ornaments too.  The rest of my decor will be Dollar Tree this year.  SIGH.  But once again, it's not the decorations that make the holiday.  It's about Jesus. 

Thinking and pondering:::
I'm thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish in 2024.  I had HUGE goals for this year - and although I only finished about 1/10th of what I wanted to - I finished writing TWO books this year! I also held down my day job and have received a lot of positive feedback from my boss and coworkers.  I've been reading my Bible (almost) daily, getting up earlier more consistently so I can do my morning routine. Those are all good things - but 2024 needs to be more about balance. But more about that in another post! 

On my bedside table:::
Wow - it is a HUGE mess right now!  Stacks of books and magazines, glasses and headphones, crafting supplies, pens, stickers, binders, Dt. Dr Pepper.  I will definitely have my bedside table on my TO DO list this week! 

On my tv this week:::
Days of Our Lives
YouTube videos 
Keeping up with the War
Lots of Christmas Movies 

Listening to:::
Nothing.  Another goal of 2024 is to listen to more music and more Christian podcasts! 

Grocery Challenges:::
Since I decided to hold off until January to do a more strict grocery budget "challenge" - I figured I would change this to a place where I might mention something I noticed that has skyrocketed in price or is hard to find.  But on the good side, excellent sales too. 

Even though my father generously bought most of Thanksgiving dinner - I still invested a good chunk as well.  We brought (and Jeff baked!) 2 pumpkin pies, an apple pie, a no-bake peanut butter pie, and 4 loaves of homemade bread.  Then we had to pick up pie pans, pumpkin pie spice, ice cream, extra two-liters, and I don't remember the rest but it added up really fast.  

BUT - I DID get a 14-lb turkey for $5.88!!!  It was on a deep discount if you spent $25 or more in groceries.  Also two-liters of pop for a dollar, 5-lbs of potatoes for 1.49, and sweet potatoes for 25-cents a pound. 

On the menu for this week:::
I am at a loss for dinners this week!  I had to use a big hunk of the grocery money for Thanksgiving stuff. Wednesday I'll have new groceries, so only a couple of days!  

Monday - Spaghetti and meatballs with steamed broccoli
Tuesday - Jambalaya (week 3? on the menu,  still haven't made it) 
Wednesday - Chili cheese stuffed baked potatoes
Thursday -  Lentil, veggie stew and rice 
Friday - Swedish meatballs and noodles
Saturday - Bean and rice burritos with corn 
Sunday - C.O.R.N. Soup 
On my reading pile:::
I finished reading "Finding Her Way" by Leah Banicki 9/10 It was so good!  She did such a great job of learning the history of the Oregon Trail and I enjoyed the story and the characters.  I'm looking forward to reading more of her work. 

Next I'm reading Lori DiAnni's "A Song for Christmas" 

I'll be posting my December reading plans as a pre-Blogmas post on the 29th-ish. 

On my to do list:::
  • Monday - Work, Jennah has her class, Dollar Tree, writing group
  • Tuesday - Work
  • Wednesday - Work, Grocery shop, writing group
  • Thursday - Work, Last night of Nanowrimo, writing group
  • Friday - Work, First day of Blogmas
  • Saturday - Writing group
  • Sunday - Writing group

What I am writing:::
I finished Christmas in Winnett, Montana!  I still have a good six months of editing and rewrites though, so it's not like it's really finished. While I'm doing that, I'm working on finishing the Bible study I've been working on all year. 

Looking around the house:::
It's getting a bit more organized.  Still working on it.  I love having the tree up but it displaces my green plants.  They like to be in the big window at the front of the house.  They will have to sit in the dining room out of the sun until after Christmas.  

Something to Share:::

I have made up a list for my Blogmas posts - I will actually be going through the 31st, but Canva made this one so easy to edit!  lol 

Bible verse, Devotional, Quote:::

"We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God" 
-John 6:69


  1. Glad your dad was able to have Thanksgiving dinner with you and that you had a good time.
    Can't wait to read your blogmast posts.

    Have a great week

  2. Hope your dad is feeling better and that your landlord gets your attic handled quickly, but you're so right about it not being about the decorations! I started BLOGMAS last Friday and it really helps me enjoy the season and move toward setting my goals for the next year! You made some great scores at the stores last week. Have a wonderful week.

  3. Yikes about your Christmas tree, I hope it all gets sorted and your tree is in good shape after all. Hope your dad's knee is doing better. Finishing two books in one year is a HUGE accomplishment. Have a wonderful week!

  4. I've read your entire blog (and simultaneously translated a bit). That's how it goes when English is not your native language, right? Don't you think that through this link party, it feels like you get a glimpse into someone's life? It is so nice and interesting.

    Happy for you that your father could still enjoy a bit. And finding a dead animal makes us sad, doesn't it? When we returned from vacation, I found a dead finch. The creature is small, but I just found it so sad. Honestly, I've never had a Christmas tree at home. Only light strings and I can make them shine in all colors. It was a costly expense, but the LED bulbs last for years and cost less in terms of energy than other lights. It brightens up my dark days.

    Haha, I laughed so much about your bedside table. I'm curious if you'll tidy it up. Well, and no one sees it. Only you :-) Thanks for the Bible verse. I wish you a good week.


  5. I used to live about an hour and half from Detroit. I remember this time of year in Michigan. Iam doing Blogmas but only till Christmas with postcards from North Pole.

  6. Oh my about the dead animal in the attic! I hope your landlord comes by to deal with it! It sounds like you are not letting it get you down though.

  7. Good Morning from a very 'nippy' Ky, it's just now 27*.... no indoor tree for us, having 6 PurrKids inside makes it too much of a challenge. Looking ahead for 2024 HHM posts I may copy your Grocery Challenge category. Have an Amazing day!


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