Happy Homemaker Monday
I have been "hibernating" for the past couple of weeks. I worked a lot of overtime in February and it really just weighed me down! I kept up with my Bible study, but not much else.
*** The weather in my neck of the woods***
Monday - 57 and sunny
Tuesday - 62 and mostly sunny
Wednesday -46 partly cloudy
Thursday - 59 mostly sunny
Friday - 64 partly sunny
Saturday - 61 and rainy
Sunday - 52 and rainy
*** Things that make me happy ***
Sunny mornings, reading the Bible daily, playing Uno with my family, plants and flowers.
*** Book I'm reading ***
I finished:
John Baille's "A Diary of Private Prayer"
I am currently reading:
Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening"
Francine River's, "A Voice in the Wind"
Bobby Gross' "Living the Christian Year" (just the Lent chapters)
*** What's on my tv today ***
YouTube cooking videos
Bibleland Passages on Amazon Prime (the one on Jerusalem is really good!)
The Chosen
Days of Our Lives
I plan to watch House of David on Amazon Prime and I just started Testament of Moses on Netflix.
*** On the breakfast plate ***
Trader Joe's hashbrown, 2 eggs with an ounce of ff feta, avocado, microgreens and sriracha
*** On the lunch plate ***
Panda Express
*** Meal prep***
Pasta salad. I picked up the chickpea salad from Aldi. Going to mix that with some red lentil pasta and some seasoning and extra veg and call it a day.
Going to prep rice for the week and an Instant Pot of pinto beans.
Also roasting some veggies that need to get used up and baking a couple of potatoes.
*** On the menu ***
Monday Burrito bowl (beans, spanish rice, avocado, pico de gallo, corn salad, and cabbage slaw)
Tuesday Dad's for card night - not sure what we will have.
Wednesday Teriyaki tofu with asian cauliflower rice and mixed veggies
Thursday I'm thinking of using up some pintos and making refried beans to use for burritos (the remainder to go in my freezer using my faux Souper Cubes from Aldi - got on clearance for $1.19)
Friday Steak bites (plant based) with mushrooms and broccoli, baked potato
Saturday Homemade pizza on Trader Joe's whole wheat lavash bread
Sunday We are celebrating St. Patrick's Day with boiled dinner. Corned beef, red potatoes, carrots, cabbage, rutabaga brown bread and butter.
*** On my to do list ***
Today:Finish meal prep
Bible Study
Water plants
Straighten up bedroom
Writing Sprints
This week:
Work - boo
Uno Night
Writing sprints
Bible study
St. Patrick's meal
*** What I am creating ***
My writing group is having a "rough draft challenge" in April. I am going to start a new historical fiction book. Yes, I still have to finish edits on my first thriller AND start edits/rewrites on my first historical fiction book. And yes, I am still working on Focus to Flourish! That has been such a good journey so far. I've found that many writers juggle several projects and will put them on the back burner when something SHINY comes along!!
*** No words needed (favorite photo or picture) ***
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses ***
I was reading my daily devotion in Joyce Meyer's Trusting God, Day by Day and this is a part that I highlighted:
"God gives us His power to enable us to do what is needed in spite of our weaknesses.
I encourage you to work with the Holy Spirit to see yourself the way God sees you - as a unique and powerful child of God."
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