Women of the Word: Mary Magdalene #10: The Resurrection

Mary is crying. 

Jewish people took the first seven days of mourning so seriously that mourners could not wash, work or even study the law. Jewish culture was serious about expressing rather than repressing grief.

She hears Jesus call her name: "Mary". She recognizes him at last: "Rabboni!"  Mary addresses him as 'teacher'.  Rabboni is less formal and more personal than using Rabbi.  

Have you thought of this before?  That He first shows himself to Mary Magdalene.  Not the disciple whom He loved.  Not His mother.  MARY MAGDALENE.  This moment is what sets her apart from every other person in the entire Bible.  

Was it her faith?  Was it their closeness?  Was it prophesied? Whatever the reasoning, Jesus first appeared to Mary M.  

Of course, she is amazed and in awe.  He tells her to go and let the disciples know what she has seen.  

Normally men were sent as messengers, and male prejudice against women’s testimony could limit the message being received. Both Jews and Gentiles often questioned the reliability of women’s testimony. Jesus’ sending Mary with the message transcends usual cultural expectations.

Now in Matthew, it says the women were given the message to bring to the disciples.  The accounts are all different, yet similar.  

Jesus tells his disciples to go out and spread the gospel.  It doesn't mention that Mary is there.  But what do you think?  Do you think she went along with one or more of the disciples, or on her own, and spread the Good News? It's hard to believe after all that, that she would just settle down and live a quiet life. 

Who was Mary Magdalene in the Bible?

Six Lessons We Can Learn from Mary Magdalene's Faithful Life

What Mary Magdalene Can Teach Us About Faithfulness

Mary Magdalene - Yale Bible Study 

Yale Bible Study PDF

Bible Coloring Pages (Not just for kids!) 

Mary Magdalene Craft (Cute for Bible journaling) 

Verse Mapping Template 


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