WoW March: Mary Magdalene Lesson #4
Mary is noted to have joined the disciples and Jesus after he had brought back people from the dead, healed many of the blind and lame. It was after Jesus was baptized and he had his feet washed in perfume with the sinful woman’s hair.
There are some who believe this sinful woman IS Mary Magdalene; however, most say this belief was brought about by Pope Gregory the Great in 591, when he stated that three different Marys in the Bible were all one woman - and she was the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her hair. Are Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany one and the same? The name Mary was the most common name in Hebrew culture, so it is not surprising that there would be several Marys mentioned in the Bible.
There were so many people that Jesus ate with, healed, talked with who were NOT named in the Bible. Mary Magdalene was mentioned by name 12 times. When she was named along with a group of women, almost every time she was mentioned first! This shows her significance.
In comparison, Peter was a leader (or perhaps the leader) among the disciples, he too was named first among the group.
Now another thing that was strange about this is that in the Jewish Holy Book, it is stated that women are not eligible to give evidence or be a witness. (Rosh Hashanah 1:8) Yet here is Mary Magdalene, one of the most important people in Jesus' ministry!
Below is a map of Jesus’ travels during his ministry. You can see the site of the Sermon on the Mount, where he walked on water and turned water into wine.
In Luke 8:10 Jesus says to a large audience (which included the disciples and Mary Magdalene) :
“The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that,
“‘though seeing, they may not see;
though hearing, they may not understand.’[a]”
Please see below for a sample verse map of this verse.
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