Blogmas Day 11: Holiday Busy-ness and How to Handle Stress


I used to get really stressed out about Christmas when my kids were little.  I wanted to make sure they woke up on Christmas morning and had that perfectly idyllic experience.  I, myself, have such incredible memories of my own family on Christmas Eve and morning and I was trying to give them the same thing. So, that led to running around for a month trying to make everything "just right".  The right decorations, the right food, the right gifts, the right cards, etc. 

EVEN KNOWING the true meaning of Christmas, we can sometimes get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this season.  

Here are just a few ideas of how to stay focused and (somewhat) relaxed this year! 

1.  If possible, do NOT shop on weekends.  It's insane out there, folks, and the weekends are the absolute worst time to try and get to the mall, boutique, big box store, etc.  Nothing dampens my spirit more quickly than waiting in a line of 23 people after pushing my way through crowded aisles only to not be able to find what I need.  

2.  SHOP ONLINE if you can!  You can find free, fast shipping almost everywhere this time of year and sometimes (sometimes) the prices are even better than in the store! If you do not love shopping at the busiest time of the year, do as much of your shopping online as you can.  (I do almost all of mine online!) 

3. If you ARE out and about any day of the week, PLEASE take time to treat yourself!  Go to a restaurant you enjoy and have lunch.  Go to a cafe or coffee shop and get your favorite hot drink.  Even if it's just a hot pretzel in the mall.  But do something to give yourself a little break. 

4. SLOW DOWN.  Everything will get done.  It will.  Spread it out and don't schedule 58 things on one day the day before your mother-in-law is coming to town.  

5.  Ask for help. It does not make you weak to ask for help.  It makes you SMART.  Your older kids can help with the food shopping or picking out gifts for their teachers.  Your hubby CAN help with the wrapping, the kids won't even notice if the paper is straight! Delegate like a boss this year! 

6. Don't try and impress people. Fill your heart and home with Jesus.  It is no one else's business if you hung up the garland on a tension rod or made homemade dried orange slices for your front door wreath! 

7. You don't have to accept every invitation. Is your neighbor wanting to ply you with fruitcake and bitter coffee?  The office party on the same night as your in-law's dinner?  Nutcracker Ballet on the same day as the school recital? You do not have to do it all! You need to decide what things mean the most to you and choose those.  The rest of them you can politely decline.  And you'll be ok. 

8. It's ok to tell your family you NEED a quiet Christmas this year. I know your husband and three kids might all expect you to do backflips and shoot off fireworks for Christmas.  But how about toasting marshmallows in front of the fireplace while watching vintage Christmas shows? Drive through the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights with hot chocolate in travel mugs? Making new traditions that are meaningful will make everyone happy, even mom. 

9. Make lists/plans to get all of those floating thoughts out of your head! I'm a planner and a list maker.  It is so important to write down what you need for Christmas dinner, gift lifts, and who to send cards to.  If you are going to try and get a lot of things done in a short period of time, a good list/plan can be your best friend. 

10. Maybe stay away from social media - seeing all of the Instagram pictures of the 'perfect' Christmas can lead to undue stress.  I don't care how lovely their Christmas tree is - no one is perfect and full of joy all of the time.  I promise you, they have problems too! 

I hope one or more of these ideas will help you get through your holiday season with your sanity intact!



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