Blogmas Day 7: Where to Find Christmas Spirit


Some years you can feel that unexplained joy inside at the thought of Christmas approaching.  You want to be more charitable, be places where it's festive, bake cookies, listen to Christmas music, and decorate with all of your favorites.  And then there are some years, you just don't. 

My sister found out her dog had cancer and had to have her put to sleep a few days ago.  Situations like that could easily zap your enthusiasm to celebrate. 

Finances might be tight this year, maybe you suffer from depression and it decides to flare up, or maybe you're just tired.  

As a Christian, focusing on the real meaning behind this holiday is the first and best thing you should do.  Read Luke 2:1 - 2:20. Do a Bible study on Jesus (a few listed at the end of this post).  Pray.  We know to do these things.  But as much as we try not to be influenced by the world, we are, because we are human.  So, I'm listing a few more conventional ways to  find your seasonal joy. 

1. Have a family movie night and watch some classic Christmas movies.  Pop some popcorn or have some special hot chocolate in dollar store Christmas mugs. Use their chocolate spoons to stir in extra yum. 

2. Drive around your neighborhood and look at the Christmas lights.  This was one of my mom's favorite things to do.  We would go down the "good streets" and admire all of the creativity and color. 

3. Make a Christmas Craft.  There are so many DIY ideas all over the internet.  Start at Pinterest or YouTube if you are not sure where to go.  I love searching "Dollar Tree Christmas Crafts" and see what I can find!  Which leads us to: 

4. Make a Christmas Ideas Pinterest board!  Pinterest can be a great tool if you are focused and don't go down too many rabbit trails! Here is my Christmas board! 

5.  Read a Christmas book.  I enjoy reading a couple of Christmas books every year, sometimes more than a couple!  I love how they can give me into that small town Christmas tree lighting ceremony feeling! I really enjoy Debbie Macomber, Terri Blackstock, and Lori DiAnni's Christmas offerings. 

6. Put together a free Christmas playlist on Spotify, YouTube, or Amazon Music.  Even the grinchiest of spirits will have their toes tapping after a few classic jingles! 

7.  Bake some cookies (plus points if you bake and decorate them with your kids!) 

See list of cookies HERE.  I want to try the peanut butter cup ones! 

8. Decorate your house, a room, or your office!  Here is an article by Better Homes and Gardens on why it's never too early to decorate! 

9. Attend a gathering.  I know!  I don't want to leave the house myself, but I know that some of my best memories involved Advent women's events, Christmas breakfasts, a night of caroling at church.  Just go and do - you'll thank me. 

10.  If you don't do any of the things on this list, please try out this last one.  Be charitable. Help someone.  Volunteer.  It doesn't have to cost you money if finances are tight.  And if you are blessed in that area, bless others.  There are so many people hurting in every neighborhood everywhere. Look up your local Blessing Boxes.   Ask at your church if there is a family in need.  Volunteer at a soup kitchen or animal shelter.  There is no shortage of need out there at any time of the year. 

Thank you for reading!  Be blessed! 


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