Blogmas Day 16: Giving Back at Christmas

 What you need to know about giving and being charitable at any time of the year is this - it doesn't have to cost you anything.  There have been plenty of times in my life where I was struggling.  I was a single mom of three small children for many years.  So I know how it feels when you see ads, signs, posts about giving back at Christmas - and you feel like you don't have the means to give.  

I'm going to share several ways to help others this Christmas.  Some are free, some are easy on the wallet, and others do involve having some extra finances.  There is something for everybody! 

  1.  Charity Finder will use your location and your passions and values to find a charity near you.  
  2. Feeding America - You can find a soup kitchen or a food bank - whether you need assistance yourself, can donate, or can help out. 
  3. You can bring extra canned and boxed goods to a Blessing Box near you 
  4. You can bless someone with a book (and add a homemade bookmark? or a card?) at a Little Free Library near you 
  5. You can bring a meal or baked goods to an elderly neighbor (or anyone) 
  6. You can bring coffee to a local Fire or Police Station 
  7. Lots of stores and fast food places ask if you'd like to donate your change or a small toy to different charities
  8. If you knit or crochet, you can make a blanket for Project Linus
  9. Not sure what to get for a friend/family member who have everything? Donate to a charity in their name. 
  10. Give your time to a shut-in, someone who doesn't get many visitors, or someone who could use a little help over the holidays! 
Please let me know your favorite way to give back! 


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